Primary Schools in Tasmania last week took part in the Hawks Kick around Tassie Day, to help raise valuable funds for the Cancer Council Call to Arms Appeal.

The schools had footy colours day, where children would proudly wear the colours of their favourite footy team to school in exchange for a gold coin donation.

As well as supporting the Cancer Council, the Hawks asked all schools to use this opportunity to promote physical activity and Move Well Eat Well messages. 

Schools hosted a special Hawks themed activity during a class, at morning tea or lunchtime on Thursday 12 or Friday 13 September.

As part of the promotion, St Anthony’s Primary school won a competition to have Hawka visit their school to take part in the kick around Tassie day activity. 

During Lunchtime break, all children were invited to take part in handball, kicking, and target competitions with prizes handed out at the end.

Hawka was a surprise guest at their school, and created much excitement as he played ‘markers up’ and other games with the children.