It's time to really throw a teammate under the bus!

We've asked the boys, which teammate is the first to check their stats after a game. 

"These guys were my heroes growing up, but I wanted them to become my teammates."Finn Maginness has penned a letter on life as a father/son recruit.

Jarman Impey 

Tom Mitchell, because he’d have a tough time keeping count on the field he's had so many.  

Chad Wingard 

Probably Tom Mitchell or Worps! 

James Worpel 

Ricky Henderson! 

Will Golds   

Jack Scrimshaw would check his stats after a game. No doubt. 

Conor Nash 

James Cousins. 100%. He flat-out loves a stat there in the midfield so I would definitely say Big Boppa Cousins.    

Harry Jones   


Will Day 

Finn Maginness is the one to go straight to the stat sheet, only after he’s been to the mirror to see if his hair is looking alright.


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